1968 Plymouth Road Runner With LOUD Exhaust

Prepare For Your Knees To Weaken Because This 1968 Road Runner!
That loud exhaust will undoubtedly get you to drop what you’re doing and head over to take a closer look if the appearances alone don’t. The majority of us might glance at a typical 1968 Plymouth Road Runner, but when it’s a Mopar muscle car like this one, I know I won’t be leaving until the show is done. The astonishing thing is that even when it’s simply idling, the rumbling exhaust is loud enough to raise the hair on the back of your neck. We will have to make do with this for now. I wish we could have heard it in full volume mode on the video. Furthermore, I am aware that you have to adore the downward rake stance on large tires. Check out the video and give us your educated horse power estimate?
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